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The complete poems of Michelangelo : Joseph Tusiani's classic translation
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781487543624 9781487543617 9781487543631 9781487543648 Year: 2023 Publisher: Toronto, Ont. University of Toronto Press

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Città e l'inconscio nell'era globale : Germanistica in dialogo interdisciplinare
Year: 2023 Publisher: Milano : Milano University Press,

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The City and the Unconscious in the Global Age. German Studies in Multidisciplinary Dialogue hosts many more questions than it is possible to state here and seeks answers that introduce an ethic of citizenship for the third millennium, where the goals of Agenda 2030 are not reduced to slogans and empty talks and where the grassroots activists do not risk to be hushed up or even taken in by the most powerful corporations, which pretend to operate in the acknowledgment of the differences that Otherness entails. The inspirers of the volume are German-speaking intellectuals, poets, artists, architects from various backgrounds. In particular, we started from the ideas and work of Bruno Taut to rethink through Sigmund Freud, F. G. Jünger, Paul Celan, Durs Grünbein and many others social bonding in the age of anthropological mutation and pandemic emergencies. Published il volume ospita molte più domande di quanto non sia qui possibile enunciare e cerca risposte che introducano un'etica della cittadinanza per il terzo millennio, dove le finalità di Agenda 2030 non restino gusci vuoti, slogan che evacuano il pensare e dove al movimentismo, strumentalizzato dai potenti della terra, si sostituiscano contenuti e consapevolezze da tradurre in una prassi comune nel riconoscimento delle differenze e di un'irriducibile alterità. Il volume prende avvio dagli scritti di Bruno Taut per ripensare attraverso Sigmund Freud, F. G. Jünger, Paul Celan, Durs Grünbein e molti altri il legame sociale all'epoca della mutazione antropologica e delle emergenze pandemiche.

De laatste jager
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9789464018530 Year: 2023 Publisher: Kalmthout Pelckmans

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We zijn verbonden door een onzichtbare draad, we leven voor elkaar, ook al weet jij dat nog niet. Als jij de laatste dikhuid bent, ben ik de laatste jager. En ons gevecht zal zo’n kabaal geven dat de sterren uit de hemel zullen vallen. Noord-Amerika, zo’n 10.000 jaar geleden. Na een vreselijke bosbrand verliezen Roqi en zijn vrienden alles wat hen dierbaar is. Hun kamp, hun familie, hun stam. Helemaal alleen moeten ze de wildernis in, op zoek naar eten en naar bescherming tegen hongerige roofdieren, op zoek naar een nieuwe stam. Het wordt een overlevingstocht waarbij Roqi eindelijk zijn unieke talent ontdekt, maar waarbij ook meedogenloze keuzes gemaakt moeten worden…

Authors: ---
ISBN: 9791280138293 Year: 2023 Publisher: Latiano Interno Libri

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Pippa en Otto in de Amazone
ISBN: 9789002277689 Year: 2023 Publisher: Antwerpen Oogappel

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The Queen of Scots
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ISBN: 9781487544812 9781487545109 9781487545291 Year: 2023 Publisher: Toronto, Ont. University of Toronto Press

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"From the moment of her spectacular death on the scaffold, the story of Mary Queen of Scots became nothing short of a sensation across Europe. She was executed on 8 February 1587, and her death was the climax of a captivity that lasted over eighteen years. Shortly after the event, Federico Della Valle, one of Italy's most accomplished dramatists of the time, composed La reina di Scotia (The Queen of Scots), a tragedy depicting the final hours of the Scottish queen's life. With its restrained tone, streamlined action, and refined poetic language, The Queen of Scots ranks among the very best of early modern Italian drama. In this book, Fabio Battista provides an English-language annotated edition of Della Valle's work, accompanied by a comprehensive introduction exploring the fictional afterlife of Mary Queen of Scots from the early modern period to today. The volume also includes the English translation of a widely circulated letter detailing the queen's momentous execution. Made available to an English-speaking audience for the first time, this tragedy is the earliest dramatic reworking of the death of Mary Queen of Scots in a modern vernacular, spearheading a tradition that endures to this day."--

Città e l'inconscio nell'era globale : Germanistica in dialogo interdisciplinare
Year: 2023 Publisher: Milano : Milano University Press,

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The City and the Unconscious in the Global Age. German Studies in Multidisciplinary Dialogue hosts many more questions than it is possible to state here and seeks answers that introduce an ethic of citizenship for the third millennium, where the goals of Agenda 2030 are not reduced to slogans and empty talks and where the grassroots activists do not risk to be hushed up or even taken in by the most powerful corporations, which pretend to operate in the acknowledgment of the differences that Otherness entails. The inspirers of the volume are German-speaking intellectuals, poets, artists, architects from various backgrounds. In particular, we started from the ideas and work of Bruno Taut to rethink through Sigmund Freud, F. G. Jünger, Paul Celan, Durs Grünbein and many others social bonding in the age of anthropological mutation and pandemic emergencies. Published il volume ospita molte più domande di quanto non sia qui possibile enunciare e cerca risposte che introducano un'etica della cittadinanza per il terzo millennio, dove le finalità di Agenda 2030 non restino gusci vuoti, slogan che evacuano il pensare e dove al movimentismo, strumentalizzato dai potenti della terra, si sostituiscano contenuti e consapevolezze da tradurre in una prassi comune nel riconoscimento delle differenze e di un'irriducibile alterità. Il volume prende avvio dagli scritti di Bruno Taut per ripensare attraverso Sigmund Freud, F. G. Jünger, Paul Celan, Durs Grünbein e molti altri il legame sociale all'epoca della mutazione antropologica e delle emergenze pandemiche.

Città e l'inconscio nell'era globale : Germanistica in dialogo interdisciplinare
Year: 2023 Publisher: Milano : Milano University Press,

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The City and the Unconscious in the Global Age. German Studies in Multidisciplinary Dialogue hosts many more questions than it is possible to state here and seeks answers that introduce an ethic of citizenship for the third millennium, where the goals of Agenda 2030 are not reduced to slogans and empty talks and where the grassroots activists do not risk to be hushed up or even taken in by the most powerful corporations, which pretend to operate in the acknowledgment of the differences that Otherness entails. The inspirers of the volume are German-speaking intellectuals, poets, artists, architects from various backgrounds. In particular, we started from the ideas and work of Bruno Taut to rethink through Sigmund Freud, F. G. Jünger, Paul Celan, Durs Grünbein and many others social bonding in the age of anthropological mutation and pandemic emergencies. Published il volume ospita molte più domande di quanto non sia qui possibile enunciare e cerca risposte che introducano un'etica della cittadinanza per il terzo millennio, dove le finalità di Agenda 2030 non restino gusci vuoti, slogan che evacuano il pensare e dove al movimentismo, strumentalizzato dai potenti della terra, si sostituiscano contenuti e consapevolezze da tradurre in una prassi comune nel riconoscimento delle differenze e di un'irriducibile alterità. Il volume prende avvio dagli scritti di Bruno Taut per ripensare attraverso Sigmund Freud, F. G. Jünger, Paul Celan, Durs Grünbein e molti altri il legame sociale all'epoca della mutazione antropologica e delle emergenze pandemiche.

De muis die katten at : 70 raargebeurde verhalen
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789464759358 9464759356 Year: 2023 Publisher: Gent B&L

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Negen uur stipt, de telefoon rinkelt. Het is meneer Bianchi die, ver van huis voor het werk, een verhaaltje zal vertellen aan zijn dochter. En dan gebeurt het. Eigenzinnige personages, onverwachte gebeurtenissen en nooit geziene bestemmingen vullen de kamer. Er verschijnen mierzoete wegen van chocola, aanlokkelijke ijspaleizen, blauwe stoplichten en onzichtbare kinderen. Werkelijk alles is mogelijk. Gianni Rodari (1920-1980) was leerkracht, journalist, pedagoog en een van de belangrijkste kinderboekenschrijvers van de twintigste eeuw. De zeventig telefoonverhalen in dit boek behoren tot zijn beste werk. Het is een ode aan de grenzeloze fantasie van kinderen en een uitnodiging om altijd het absurde en verrassende op te zoeken. Met dit creatieve, grappige en ontroerende boek opent Rodari nog steeds de harten van jonge lezers én hun ouders. Deze klassieker binnen de jeugdliteratuur verscheen voor het eerst in 1962. Het boek is intussen in veertig talen vertaald en nu eindelijk ook in het Nederlands. Rodari won als enige Italiaanse auteur de Hans Christian Andersenprijs.

Generi : rivista internazionale di letteratura italiana
ISSN: 29749417 Year: 2023 Publisher: Pisa Fabrizio Serra editore

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